with us!
We want to thank all of our volunteers past, present and future because it is your work, care and commitment that make this house a home.
There are many ways you can help out at VFFLS.
The Vancouver Friends for Life Society is a great place to share your time and skills. We’re always looking for energetic and kind people with specific skill sets, an interest in wellness and a passion for community.
Are you interested in volunteering your time?
We are currently looking for:
1. Health-Care or Wellness Practitioner
Are you a certified health-care professional with specific skill sets in wellness?
Are you certified in a wellness practice that you are interested in sharing?
All of our programs and services are provided by professional, certified health-care practitioners on a volunteer basis.
1. Bingo for Life Volunteer
Do you enjoy social settings and greeting/welcoming guests?
Are you proficient with technology and mobile devices?
Our weekly drag bingo, "Bingo for Life" at The Junction is the perfect place for you to socialize and mingle all whilst basking in the glory of our special drag queen hosts!
Thank you.
All of our services are provided on a volunteer basis by certified practitioners. Our services must provide an element of wellness and/or health benefit to our members. Some services include massage therapy, acupuncture, art therapy, cooking classes, counselling, etc. Do you have a health and wellness skill/service you're interested in providing? We would love to see if it's a fit for our client-members.